Command reference for HOSTMOD 17.
NB: All commands intended for server config use are namespaced with hm_
: Switches to a random map.
: Restarts the current map.hm_automate "On/Off"
: When On, attempts to run hm_roundstart
transitioning from vote/intermission to race, hm_intermissionstart
when transitioning from
race to intermission, and hm_votestart
when transitioning from intermission to vote. All
three of these commands are undefined by default; you can use an alias from your server config, or a
companion script, to run whatever you like when these events occur.
: Restarts the current map.hm_specbomb "On/Off"
: Stops players from spectating mid-race, trapping them in explosion
purgatory until the race completes. Dodges a base game bug where midrace spectating can cause sync
issues. Also
makes rage-spectating in 1v1 ineffective.hm_specbomb_antisoftlock "On/Off"
: When hm_specbomb
is on, will force the game to end if all players have NO CONTESTed or finished for too long. This is provided for compatibility with other mods that also modify finish flags in unexpected ways.hm_namefilter_mode "Kick, Ban, Print"
: Controls what happens to players affected by the
hm_namefilter "name"
: Add text to the namefilter list. Players with that text in their
case-insensitive, will be affected by the cannon.hm_encore "0-100, or -1"
: Specifies the chance that the server will enter Encore Mode after
race completes. -1 disables this completely and lets other mods do their thing.hm_timelimit "number"
: Specifies a timelimit, in minutes, for battle rounds. (This will
even when gametypes switch, unlike the base game cvar.)hm_bail "On/Off"
: Allows solo players to type "bail" during battle games to
to the voting screen. hm_motd "On/Off"
: Controls whether to show the HOSTMOD MOTD at all.hm_motd_nag "On/Off"
: Controls whether to show the MOTD every round (On), or just once
hm_motd_bg "color"
: Sets the color of the HOSTMOD MOTD banner background.The parameters below will crash with nonsense errors if you put too much text into them. This is a base game limitation that I haven't worked around yet. Sorry.
hm_motd_name "text"
: Sets the name of the server that the HOSTMOD MOTD should use. \123
format color codes OK.hm_motd_contact "text"
: Sets the contact info (like a website or Discord tag) that the
HOSTMOD MOTD should use. \123 format color codes OK.hm_motd_tagline "text"
: Sets the tagline that the HOSTMOD MOTD should use. Short quips and
descriptions are good for this. \123 format color codes OK.Example: hm_motd_name "\130Purple text, then \128white text!"
Color code reference:
hm_restat "On/Off"
: Controls whether players can use Restat, changing their race stats
independent of their character.hm_restat_notify "On/Off"
: Controls whether a message prints to chat informing everyone of
Restat stat changes.shout "text"
: Admins only. Send a message with a special alert sound and color.hm_autoshout "On/Off"
: Controls whether messages from admins/server should be automatically
promoted to shouts.hm_shout_name "text"
: Controls the server's "username" when shouts are used
server.hm_shout_color "color"
: Controls the server's "color" when shouts are used as
server.hm_schedule "On/Off"
: Controls whether scheduled tasks should be run.hm_schedule_add "timer in seconds" ""command 1"" ["command 2"] ["command 3"] [...]
Runs one of the provided commands (picking randomly if multiple were specified) automatically, every
time the
timer you specified ticks.hm_schedule_list
: Show scheduled tasks.Example: hm_schedule 30 "echo It's been 30 seconds since you last saw this!"
hm_votable "command"
: Adds a command to the vote whitelist. Only commands on the whitelist
can be voted for.hm_vote_timer "number"
: Controls how long votes can last for.hm_vote_autopass "number"
: Controls what percentage "yes" votes a vote needs to
automatically pass, skipping the timer. (This is exclusive: the default "50" requires a majority.)hm_vote_allowidc "On/Off"
: When off (by default), undecided voters will be treated as No
voters. Turn on if you want votes to tend towards passing by default, off if you want them to tend
towards failing.hm_customcheck "On/Off"
: Enables or disables the "custom gate", requiring players
to press custom buttons before they're allowed to join.hm_customcheck_1 "On/Off"
: Requires Custom 1 to be pressed to pass the "custom
gate".hm_customcheck_2 "On/Off"
: Requires Custom 2 to be pressed to pass the "custom
gate".hm_customcheck_3 "On/Off"
: Requires Custom 3 to be pressed to pass the "custom
gate".hm_choose ""command 1"" ["command 2"] ["command 3"] [...]
one of the selected commands, picking randomly between them. For use in aliases and automation.hm_chooseweighted ""command 1"" "weight 1" ["command 2"] [weight 2] [...]
Runs one of the selected commands, picking one with weighted random. Weights are positive numbers. For
use in
aliases and automation.Examples:
hm_choose "echo a" "echo b" "echo c"
hm_chooseweighted "echo runs 1/4th of the time" 1 "echo runs 3/4ths of the time" 3
hm_scoreboard "On/Off"
: Controls whether to use HOSTMOD's scoreboard replacement.
Snu!)hm_scoreboard_humor "On/Off"
: Controls whether in-jokes and memes should appear in the
"Did You Know?" section of the scoreboard.hm_scoreboard_addline "text"
: Adds a line to the "server description" area of the
scoreboard. Using this multiple times adds multiple lines. I know, it's hokey and awkward, but
NetxCmd is satan. \123 codes supported, see MOTD section.hm_scoreboard_addmod "text"
: Adds an entry to the "Gameplay / Balance Changes"
section of the scoreboard. You can use this to disclose gameplay-modifying addons that aren't
detected (currently only KartMP).hm_veto "On/Off"
: Controls whether to use HOSTMOD veto vote. This is intended as a replacement for rtv
, vote exitlevel
, and/or the vote screen itself (via votetime 0
).hm_veto_threshold "0-100"
: Controls what percentage of players need to vote for a veto before it will pass. (This is exclusive: the default "50" requires a majority).hm_veto_hellclosed "#"
: Controls how often a veto vote will secretly lead to MAP HELL. The default of 100 will happen roughly every 100 vetos. 0 disables.hm_veto_hellopen "#"
: Controls how often a veto vote will announce to the lobby that it leads to MAP HELL. The default of 100 will happen roughly every 100 vetos. 0 disables. This chance is rolled separately from hellclosed
.hm_autoaccel "On/Off"
: Allows the use of autoaccel.hm_maprule_add [map ID] "starting command" "ending command (optional)"
Runs the specified command when the specified map starts, and the second command when the map ends.hm_maprule_add 01 "forceskin sonic;csay gotta go fast" "forceskin off"
hm_maprule_remove [map ID]
: Deletes any map rules for the map with the specified ID.hm_maprule_list[map ID]
: Lists active map rules for the map with the specified ID.playsound "sound ID"
: Plays a sound for all players. For use in scheduled or automated commands. Expects lump name with no prefix (example: playsound itrolk
).hm_debug "On/Off"
: Don't toggle this unless you're hacking on the HOSTMOD codebase
I asked for a more detailed bug report. It changes a bunch of functionality in ways that aren't
obvious, but
are important to solo testing.NB: No player-facing commands are namespaced, because nobody's gonna remember that shit.
restat "1-9" "1-9"
: Set your stats. The first number is your desired speed, the second
number is your weight.restat "name of skin"
: Set your stats to the stats of that character, if they're loaded
on the server.restat random
: Set your stats to random values.restat off
: Set your stats to the stats of your character.powersound "On/Off"
: Adds a three-secound audible countdown when Grow or Invincibility are
going to end.powerflash "On/Off"
: Makes Grow flash faster when it's close to ending.randomskin
: Pick a random skin. Only works if you would normally be able to change your
: Pick a random color. Only works if you would normally be able to change your
: Toggle IRONMAN mode, which randomizes your character and color at the start of
: Toggle IRONMAN (FORMA JARTE) mode, which randomizes your character and color at
the start of every round, but will never pick a character from the base game / bonuschars. Intended for
use on my randomized addon server, :D? ""command""
: Calls a vote to execute the given command. Only whitelisted
commands can be voted for.votekick "name"
: If "kick" is whitelisted for voting, attempts to kick the
player. (This is just alternate syntax for "vote kick".)rtv
: If "exitlevel" is whitelisted for voting, tries "vote exitlevel".
works in chat too.)voteyes
: Vote "yes" on the current vote. (Bind this to a dedicated key or
: Vote "no" on the current vote.voteidc
: Remove your vote on the current vote. (May be treated as NO if server doesn't
allow undecided voters.)autoaccel
: Toggles automatic acceleration. You won't need to hold the accelerator to
forward, but you'll still use it for start boosts and Drop Dashes. When this is on, holding Brake
will be
considered Accel+Brake if you're holding the Drift button, and Brake (with no Accel) if you're
drifting.clan "text"
: Set your clan tag. It'll be displayed before your name on the scoreboard.
showallstats "On/Off"
: When Off (default), show character stats on the scoreboard only if the player is using Restat to change them. When On, show stats of all characters, and mark modified stats in yellow.
: Toggle your votespec status. When on, you will automatically spectate during voting, and rejoin when a new round starts if you weren't spectating before vote.
: Adds an entry to the HOSTMOD scoreboard "Did You Know"
list. Please check "neoscoreboard.lua" for how these are formatted.HM_Scoreboard_AddMod(table)
: Adds an entry to the HOSTMOD scoreboard "Gameplay / Balance
Changes" list. Please check "neoscoreboard.lua" for how these are formatted.